These are some of the projects that I have done.
Click to see Rust projects
This is a little program that solves Wordle. Give it the colors that Wordle gives you, and it'll suggest an optimal word.
alARM Assembler
This is an alARM assembler I made in Rust for my computer architecture class. A project for that class required building a simulated alARM cpu, so I made an assembler for the cpu so I didn't have to hand assemble test programs.
Maze Generation Rust
This is similar to my maze generation application written in C. You can generate mazes with a variety of different algorithms. This application uses the Allegro game library to display the maze as it is being generated.
Click to see C projects
It's chess. You can make moves by clicking or entering algebraic notation. Prints out algebraic notation.
Minesweeper Wave Function Collapse
Program that solves Minesweeper using a wave function collapse like method. The user enters in squares and the surrounding squares update to show the new possibilities.
Maze Generation
This application can generate mazes with various maze generation algorithms. They are implemented using C and the application uses the Allegro game library to display the maze.
Map Age Guide
This is a command line program that uses the curses library. It will tell you the age of an undated map, (assuming it's complete, labeled in English, and detailed enough). It is an adaptation of xkcd comic 1688, Map Age Guide.
Click to see Java projects
Creative Commons Image Search
This is a javafx application that search for images with Creative Commons licenses. I made it for the final of my Programming Concepts and Methedology II class.
This is a simple java command line application that finds the definitions of words from the Marriam-Webster dictionary. I made it for my Programing Concepts and Methedology II class.
Tutor Training Final Project
Computer Science Practice Problems
Click to see Python projects.
Multi Board Tic Tac Toe Game with AI
This is a project that I created for the AP Computer Science Principles test. It is a python console application in which you can play tic tac toe with multiple boards. It can be played with 2 players or with an AI. It isn't so much an "AI" as an algorithm that can win whenever it is mathematically possible.
Board Game
This is a simple board game that I built when I first started learning python. It is a console application in which you race against another player to get to the end. It includes a number of special spaces that do various things.
Guessing Game
This is a simple python console application that I built when I was first learning Python. A number between 1 and 10 is picked at random. 2 players guess the number and who ever guesses the closest wins.
HTML / CSS / JavaScript
Click to see HTML, CSS, and JavaScript projects.
Digital Character Sheet
This is a project I created for my Technology Innovation class. It is a web application that helps you create a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition character. Its goal is to help speed up the character creation process and to make that process easier for new players to understand. Currently it is more of a proof of concept as there are many things that currently don't work correctly and there are some major features missing.
Click to see Scratch projects.
Scratch Game
This is a game I built in Scratch as part of my Introduction to Computer Science class. It is a dungeon crawler in which you make your way through the various levels of a dungeon. The description at the beginning implies that there is an end to the dungeon when in reality it goes on forever.